ISW Literature

A number of articles, book chapters and conference papers have been written about the ISW, including:

Bubak, O. (2019). A bottom-up drive to transform tertiary teaching
How McMaster University’s faculty of engineering is motivating new professors to improve their teaching effectiveness.

Day, R. & the ISW International Advisory Committee. (2005). Instructional Skills Workshop: The Heart of an Educator Learning Community in British Columbia and Beyond

Day, R. & the ISW International Advisory Committee. (2004). Instructional Skills Workshop: From grassroots initiative to international perspectives

Dawson, D., Borin, P., Meadows, K., Britnell, J., Olsen, K. & McIntryre, G. (2014). The Impact of the Instructional Skills Workshop on Faculty Approaches to Teaching. Toronto ON: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario

Fast, Robin and Doherty, Daniel. (October, 2014, Revised by Daniel Doherty March 2021). ISW and Technology – Enhanced, Extended, Online

John Paul Foxe, Mandy Frake-Mistak & Celia Popovic (2017) The instructional skills workshop: A missed opportunity in the UK?, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54:2, 135-142, DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2016.1257949

D. William Kay, Chad O’Brien, and Russell Day. Eastern Time: Reflections on the Evolution of a Cross-Institutional Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) Program in Atlantic Canada. In Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT), Volume X11, 2019, pps. 177-184.

Kerr, D.W. (1980). The Instructional Skills Program. Unpublished Ministry of Education major paper. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. (Part 1.pdf) (Part 2.pdf)

Kerr, D.W. (June 2020). Video-Based Feedback in the ISW – an Invitation

Macpherson, Alice. 2011. The Instructional Skills Workshop as a Transformative Learning Process. Ph.D. Dissertation. Simon Frasier University.

Morrison, D.E. (1985). “The Instructional Skills Workshop: An inter-institutional approach.” In To Improve the Academy, 4, 75-83.

Morrison, D.E. (1995). “Opening doors to better teaching: The role of peer-based instructional consultation.” (Doctoral dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University). Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(6), 2134A.

Morrison, D.E. (1997). “Overview of instructional consultation in North America.” In K. Brinko & R. Menges (Eds.), Practically Speaking: A Sourcebook for Instructional Consultants in Higher Education, 121-129. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.

Smith, R.A., Pang, M., & Chuah, K.B. (2001). Building a Teaching Culture: The Instructional Skills Workshop in Hong Kong.

Wilbee, J. (1997). “The Instructional Skills Program: A peer-based model of the improvement of teaching and learning.”